Rabu, 01 Oktober 2014

Active and Passive voice

A sentence is written in active voice when the subject of the sentence performs the action in the sentence.
·         The following sentences are the active sentences

1.   The Indonesian pair had only beaten their opponents once in their previous six meetings.
(explain : the sentence above is active voice from past perfect tense (S + Had + V3). The indonesian as subject, and beaten as Verb 3 from beat)
2.   Indonesia moved to 14th with two gold.
(explain : the sentence above is active voice from past tense (S + V2). Indonesia as subject, and moved as verb 3 from move)
3.   China surpassed the century mark with 102 gold medals.
(explain : the sentence above is active voice from past tense (S + V2). China as subject, and surpassed as verb 2 from surpass)
4.   The currency has weakened 2.4 percent this month.
(explain : the sentence above is active voice from present perfect tense (S + has/have + V3). The currency as subject, and weakened as verb 3 (weaken + ed) from weaken)
5.   The rupiah was trading at 12,007 per US dollar.
(explain : the sentence above is active voice from past continous tense (S + was/were + Ving). The rupiah as subject, and tranding as Ving (trade + ing) from trade)

A sentence is written in passive voice when the subject of the active verb becomes the “agent” of the passive verb. The agent is very often not mentioned, or the subject of the sentence has an action done to it by someone or something else.

·         The following sentences are the passive voice

1.   They [Hendra and Ahsan] were affected by the breeze.
(explain : the sentence above is passive voice from past tense (S + was/were + V3). They as subject, and affected as Verb 3 (affect + ed) from affect)
2.   taekwondo is set for Tuesday.
(explain : the sentence above is passive voice from present tense (S + is/am/are+ V3). Taekwondo as subject, and set as verb 3 from set)
3.   Indonesian bonds were also rated as the cheapest.
(explain : the sentence above is passive voice from past tense (S + was/were + V3). Indonesian as subject, and rated as verb 3 from rate)
4.   The US Federal Reserve is expected to increase interest rates next year.
(explain : the sentence above is passive voice from present tense (S + is/am/are + V3). The US federal reserve as subject, and expected as verb 3 (expect + ed) from expect)
5.   Indonesia’s central bank was seen as indecisive in tackling external imbalances.
(explain : the sentence above is passive voice from past tense (S + was/were + V3). Indonesian’s central bank as subject, and seen as verb 3 from see)

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