Rabu, 19 Maret 2014

Draw A Cricle Good Communication

1. The first step begins with the sender wanting to initiate a communication. He formulates the message that he wishes to convey. It is the sender's duty to ensure that the message is clear and easy to comprehend. Complicated messages may act as barriers in communication.

2. The second step involves choosing the appropriate channel of communication. The sender has to zero in on the most efficient means of communication. It could be verbal, or electronic; the priority is that the message should be sent across through minimum fuss.

3. The third step is when the receiver comes into the picture. The receiver has to interpret or decode the sender's message.

4. Upon decoding the message successfully, the receiver has to formulate a response and send it in the form of feedback. This action completes the communication cycle.

Retrieved on 20 March 2014 http://www.buzzle.com/articles/communication-cycle.html

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