BAE Systems Defies Physics
with its Metamaterial Antenna Lens
Selama dekade terakhirpara penelitidi seluruh
duniatelah melakukan percobaan denganmetamaterialsdan mengembangkansistem
baru yangdapat melakukantampaknya mustahil.
From invisibility
cloaks to seismic protection, metamaterials have given
engineers ever more properties to explore in their research.
Darijubah tembus pandanguntukperlindunganseismik, metamaterialstelah
memberikaninsinyursifatyang lebihuntuk mengeksplorasidalam penelitian mereka.
In a recent announcement
BAE stated it’s ready to add more uncanny properties to the growing metamaterial
alampengumuman baruBAEmenyatakansudah siapuntuk
menambahsifat yang lebihluar biasa untukdaftarmetamaterialberkembang.
In collaboration with
Queen Mary’s School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science,
BAE Systems announced the creation of a new metamaterial that will
allow a lens to bend electromagnetic waves regardless of its shape.
Bekerja sama denganQueen MarySekolahTeknik
Elektrodan Ilmu Komputer, BAE Systemsmengumumkan
pembentukansebuahmetamaterialbaruyang akan memungkinkanlensa
untukmenekukgelombang elektromagnetikterlepas daribentuknya.
Leveraging a concept known
as transformative optics, engineers have designed a new material that
can exhibit the electromagnetic (EM) properties of a curved lens
even when built in a flat configuration.
Memanfaatkansebuah konsep yang
dikenalsebagaioptiktransformatif, insinyurtelah merancang
sebuahmaterial baru yangdapatmenunjukkanelektromagnetik(EM) sifatlensamelengkungbahkan ketikadibangundalam konfigurasidatar.
While transformativeoptics,
which allows for EM radiation to be controlled in novel ways, isn’t a
particularly new technology, its integration with metamaterials
has given the wonder material even greater powers.
Sementaraoptiktransformatif, yang
memungkinkan untukradiasiEMharus dikendalikandengan cara baru, bukan teknologiyang sangatbaru, integrasi
denganmetamaterialstelah memberikanmateriherankekuasaanyang lebih besar.
Once joined, transformativeoptics
allowed BAE’s metamateriallens to operate over a greatly expanded
range of frequencies.
Setelahbergabung, optiktransformatifdiperbolehkanlensametamaterialBAEuntuk
beroperasipada rentangfrekuensisangat diperluas.
So that once these unified
properties were applied to antennadesign, BAE knew they were on to
something completely original.
Sehingga setelah
sifat-sifat terpadu yang diterapkan untuk desain antena, BAE tahu mereka pada
sesuatu yang sama sekali original.
According to BAE Systems
this new technology could revolutionize the designs of aircraft, ships,
satellites or any device that requires an antenna.
MenurutBAE Systemsteknologi baru inibisa
merevolusidesainpesawat, kapal, satelitatau
perangkatyang memerlukanantena.
“The technology developed
could lead to us to think differently about aircraft design as well as
lowering radar cross sections, provide weight savings or allow miniaturization
of integratedcomponents,” said Dr. Sajad Haq of BAE Systems.
"Teknologi yang dikembangkan dapat
menyebabkankita untuk berpikirsecara berbeda tentangdesain pesawatserta
menurunkanbagianradarlintas, memberikan
penghematanberat badan ataumemungkinkanminiaturisasi komponenyang
terintegrasi," kata DrSajadHaqdariBAE Systems.
“Traditional metamaterials
suffer from limited bandwidth whereas the new composite metamaterial
we have developed for this antenna does not.”
"Metamaterials tradisionalmenderitabandwidth
terbatassedangkanmetamaterialkomposit barukami telahdikembangkan untukantena
Given its direct link to
defense departments around the globe, BAE’s new transformative optics
system could find its way aboard military vehicles in the very near future.
Mengingatlink langsungkedepartemenpertahanandi
seluruh dunia, barusistemoptiktransformatifBAEitubisa menemukan
jalannaikkendaraan militerdalam waktudekat.
If it does, radically
lower-profile wing designs and more sleek satellite architectures
could come pouring out of the aerospace giant’s facilities sooner than we
Jika tidak,radikalrendah-profil desainsayapdanarsitektursatelit yang lebihrampingbisa
datangmengalir keluar darifasilitaskedirgantaraanraksasacepat dari yang
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